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Critical Infrastructure

From reliable internet access or extending funding for the construction and maintenance highway infrastructure, the Legislature passed many bills this focused on bringing reliable services to Texans. 

House Bill 9 (Ashby, et al. | SP: Huffman) creates the “Texas Broadband Infrastructure Fund,” (“T-BIF”) for the purpose of “expanding and ensuring access to reliable, high-speed broadband and telecommunications connectivity.” The T-BIF is managed by the Texas Treasury Safekeeping Trust Company and can only be used for specific purposes related to 9-1-1 services the Texas Broadband Pole Replacement Program, the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program, and improving public safety telecommunications connectivity.


Senate Concurrent Resolution 2 (Nichols | SP: Canales) extends for another 10 years both components of Proposition 7, which authorized a constitutional amendment for transportation funding. Approved by 83% of voters in 2015, Prop. 7 directs revenue from both the state sales and use tax, and the state motor vehicle sales and rental tax, towards the State Highway Fund (SHF). 


Senate Bill 1499 (Nichols | SP: Canales) permits the port access account fund to be utilized for infrastructure projects. The bill also limits the amount that may be granted from the fund to any single navigation district, port, or applicant to 20% of the appropriated funding per biennium.


House Bill 2230 (Canales | SP: Nichols, et al.) allows the state to equally divert excess severance tax revenue to both the State Highway Fund (SHF) and the Economic Stabilization Fund (ESF) in perpetuity. 



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